
How To Start A Sex Toy Review Blog

dizzyI go by dizzygirl on the internet and I'm a middle age (trying to come to terms with that) married (happily) woman in middle America (not so happy about that). I'm probably a bigger nature geek than I am a sex toy geek but that's not what this blog is about, though I could tell you some pretty cool stuff about the flora and fauna where I live. However, it's sex toys that got me excited enough to start a blog.

I had been dealing with some anorgasmia as a side effect of antidepressants and I finally got fed up with just accepting that I could no longer have orgasms. I started looking for anything that might help. One thing I've tried that's partially reversed the anorgasmia is a drug called Buspar and I wrote all about it here and here.

The other thing that has me getting off again is sex toys. Due to the medication it takes much stronger stimulation for a longer period of time than I can really expect from mere mortals. But sex toys saved the day, my sex life and my sanity. With sex toys I can now even have multiple orgasms, where before I'd struggle and be lucky to have any at all. All of this got me terribly excited and I wanted to share that excitement with the world and so… here's this blog.

You'll find a couple of very annoying things in the world of sex toy review blogs. One is sugar coating. This is where the person really didn't like the product but they're afraid to say anything negative about it. It's usually pretty easy to spot the sugar coating types. The other thing you might run into are bloggers who never write a negative review about anything… ever. How can a person seriously like EVERYTHING they try and never have one complaint about anything? You can't really trust the opinions of the sugar coating and everything's wonderful type bloggers.

My aim here is to be honest with you. If I don't like something, I'll say so. I'm not obligated to any company to say nice things about their products and the companies I work with know that I could very well say some less than flattering things about the stuff they send to me.

If I fall madly in love with a product, you're going to know it and if I'm pretty much indifferent, it will come across in my writing. You'll be able to tell how I really feel about a sex toy. I'm a very matter of fact kind of writer, though I will try to make you laugh from time to time. But by nature, I'm usually very focused on the hows and whys of a thing. How does it feel? Why does it feel that way? These are the kinds of questions I want to answer for you in my reviews. After all, you don't need me to be cute or snarky or anything but truthful and factual. And that's what you'll get – honest sex toy reviews without all the bullshit.

How To Start A Sex Toy Review Blog


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